FreeZone 6 Liter Console -50C Freeze Dryer by Labconco for aqueous samples; removes 4L of water in 24 hours | 6923-49A displayed
6923-PP-02 72289
FreeZone® 6L Freeze Dry Systems by Labconco
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Manufactured By: Labconco
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- FreeZone 6-Liter Console Freeze Dryers by Labconco in two collector cooling temperatures for aqueous and low eutectic point samples
- Console models with Stoppering Tray feature front viewing window, inner chamber space for a vacuum pump and space for a large tray dryer
- Features: large touch screen display, data logging, temperature sensors, manual or programmed tray dryers shelf temperature control, end point detection, USB port and Ethernet connection, vacuum break valve and patented moisture sensor and upright stainless steel collector coil
- Available options: purge valve, mini vacuum drying chamber, shell freezer (for -50° C only)
- Required accessories: vacuum pump, drying chambers and freeze dry glasswares
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