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  • Available Certified ISO Grade™ Designs: ISO 7, ISO 8
  • Portable gas cylinders let you quickly store and transport pressurized nitrogen gas from your N2 membrane generator
  • Suitable for low-volume needs such as single chamber desiccator or glovebox isolator
  • Distribute pressurized nitrogen gas to multiple locations without moving your nitrogen generator
  • Keep an emergency reservoir of nitrogen incase compressed air is not available for the nitrogen generator
  • Optional Pressure Booster multiplies pressure 2x-4x to increase capacity - no electricity required
  • High-pressure cylinders are ideal to safely transport and use store compressed gases.
  • White powder coat finish provides a high quality, durable barrier to protect against corrosion, plus a clean and attractive aesthetic. The advanced heat-fused formulation exceeds ASTM and ISO paint standards to resist chipping, scratching, fading, and wearing.
  • Specialty cylinders are available on request.


Weight, Product: 119 lb

Dimensions, Product: 9" W x 9" D x 55" H

Weight, Shipping: 139 lb

Dimensions, Shipping: 13.5" W x 13.5" D x 59" H

Package Type: Palletized

Features and Benefits

Different N2 Generator Options to Meet Your Needs

Choose among 3 different sizes of portable nitrogen generator designs to meet your N2 requirements. Suitable for both industrial and commercial applications.

Highest Standards For Nitrogen Generators

Terra’s Laboratory Nitrogen Generators are designed and built to the highest standards required by defense, semiconductor, and medical industries for long-term reliability and protection against damage, injuries, and electrical hazards.

Nitrogen Membrane Airflow Diagram

No power required! Simply connect to compressed air supply. Nitrogen membranes and filters separate oxygen, moisture, and particles to produce up to 99.5% pure medical grade Nitrogen gas.

USP Compliant Medical Grade Nitrogen

Terra's Nitrogen gas generator is third-party certified to USP 30 NF 25 for ≥ 99% pure medical grade nitrogen

Eliminate Nitrogen Tank Rental Costs

Nitrogen generators eliminate long term operating costs from Nitrogen tank rental services.

No Supply Constraints!

Terra's membrane Nitrogen generators supply a continuous flow of pure Nitrogen gas.

Low Maintenance

The Nitrogen membrane module is designed to operate maintenance-free as long as the pre filters are clean. Pre filter replacement will vary and can last approximately 2 years (20,000 hours)

Compact and Portable

With a small unchanging foot print, these Nitrogen generators are easy to move and take up less floor space than a set of pre-filled canisters.

Adjustable Flowrate and Purity up to 99.5%

The flowrate and purity of a Nitrogen generator is adjustable to fit your specific application requirements.

Portable Nitrogen Generator, Medium Size for Multiple Desiccator Cabinets or Gloveboxes

Nitrogen membrane separation technology produces up to 99% pure dry nitrogen, eliminating the need for expensive nitrogen tank services. This medium size N2 generator provides output suitable for two 10-chamber desiccators or two 4-port gloveboxes.

Stainless Steel ISO 6 Glovebox on Automatic Height Adjusting Table with N2 Generator

Gloveboxes can easily mount to an automatic height adjusting table (28"-43"H). Ideal for workstations with sensitive equipment that undergo frequent height adjustment. A compact Nitrogen generator requires only a compressed air supply for continued nitrogen gas supply.

Continuous Product Improvement

At Terra, we strive to develop and produce the highest quality products for our customers to improve health, safety, performance, and yields. Our product quality is enabled by high-grade manufacturing equipment and processes, 50 years of engineering and application expertise, and our commitment to continuously improve.

Products Compliant With Your ISO Rating

High-capacity, durable, ISO-compliant system rated for thousands of operating hours.
Popular Accessories
For a full list of accessories, select a product then click Choose Accessories on that product page.
  • Nitrogen Generator with Gas Cylinder and Pressure Booster Module

    Configure your Nitrogen Generator with a Booster Regulator to store 2-4 times more compressed nitrogen in a gas cylinder. The compact booster is air-only operation and requires no electrical power. Cylinders can be used as an emergency reservoir, or distributed to multiple locations without moving your nitrogen generator.
  • Werther International Oil-less Scroll Air Compressor

    These oil-less scroll compressors offer very low noise levels, virtually vibration-free operation, and maintenance-free performance. Their simple design, with only two moving parts, assures reliability and durability.
  • High-Capacity Compressed Air System

    High-capacity rotary screw air compressor, providing up to 157 CFM at up to 217 psig, is ideal for use with Nitrogen Generators.
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