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59 products meet your criteria.

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  1. Electropolish Service

    • OPTIONAL service increases corrosion resistance, improves ease of cleaning, and provides a smooth and bright finish
  2. Equipment Testing

  3. 316 Stainless Steel Design Upgrade

    • OPTIONAL design upgrade greatly enhances corrosion resistance and durability
  4. Extended Product Warranties
    Extended Product Warranties
    Group of 19 products
    9999-PP-02 83474
    Request Quote
    1 Type2 Duration8 Product Line

    Type: Service
    Duration: 2 years, 3 years
    Product Line: Lab Equipment, Cleanrooms, Pass-throughs, Glove Boxes, Hoods, Desiccators, Doors, Terra Made Products
  5. ISO Rated™ Filter Fan Unit Testing and Certifications
    1 Type2 Test

    Type: Service
    Test: Filter Integrity, Filter Leakage
  6. ISO Grade™ Design Service
    ISO Grade™ Design Service
    Group of 5 products
    9999-PP-04 83476
    Request Quote
    Some ship in 5 - 9 days
    1 Type5 Certified ISO Grade™ Design

    • ISO Grade™ Service provides a detailed Certificate of Compliance with report of product design specifications and safety ratings
    • Certificate includes all the necessary information to streamline audits and facility compliance
    Type: Service
    Certified ISO Grade™ Design: ISO 4, ISO 5, ISO 6, ISO 7, ISO 8
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59 products meet your criteria.

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Features and Benefits

Manufacturer, Distributor and Service Provider

Terra is not just a product manufacturer, we provide a suite of services to help our customers navigate the complex process of ensuring their equipment is operational

Cleanroom Certification and Testing

Terra provides cleanroom certification and testing to ISO 14644 and ASHRAE 110 guidelines


  • Time-Lapse Video of Cleanroom Assembly Installation of a Modular Hardwall Cleanroom
  • Video of BioSafe Modular Cleanroom Installation Modular BioSafe® Cleanroom Installation
  • Video of Hardwall Modular Cleanroom Design, Manufacture and Installation On-Site Hardwall Cleanroom Installation
  • USP Cleanroom Construction USP Cleanroom Construction
  • Video by Labconco delineating the instructions to install a Protector Premier Fume Hood with solvent cabinet Installing the Labconco Protector Premier Fume Hood
  • Video of smoke testing Labconco BSC and glovebox isolator Smoke Testing a Labconco BSC and Glovebox
  • Terra Universal IQ-OQ Process
  • Ergoheight® cleanroom work station ErgoHeight® Auto Adjustable Cleanroom Work Station
Time-Lapse Video of Cleanroom Assembly
Video of BioSafe Modular Cleanroom Installation
Video of Hardwall Modular Cleanroom Design, Manufacture and Installation
USP Cleanroom Construction
Video by Labconco delineating the instructions to install a Protector Premier Fume Hood with solvent cabinet
Video of smoke testing Labconco BSC and glovebox isolator
Ergoheight® cleanroom work station
Technical Resources
On-Site Hardwall Cleanroom Installation
Video showing installation of a hardwall, modular cleanroom at a customer site. The room is tested at the factory, then shipped overseas to be installed. Framing, paneling and utilities are assembled according to the customer specifications.
Installation Test of a Modular Hardwall Cleanroom
Time-lapse video of a multi-chamber modular hardwall cleanroom being erected and tested prior to shipping. The steps cover preparation, framing, panel placement, and A/C return ducting installation.
Modular BioSafe® Cleanroom Installation Test
Time-lapse installation of a modular BioSafe steel cleanroom with windows, an exit swing door, entryway airshower and 50% ceiling coverage of fan/filter units.

4 Item(s)