Smart® CleanMount® Pass-Throughs with Recirculating HEPA/ULPA Filtration and Fire-Rated Door
1-3 Days
Smart® CleanMount® Pass-Throughs with Recirculating HEPA/ULPA Filtration
1-3 Days
Smart® CleanMount® Pass-Through Chambers
1-3 Days
BioSafe® CleanMount® Pass-Through Chambers
0-2 Days
CleanMount® CleanSeam™ Pass-Through Chambers
1-3 Days
Ruggedized Pass-Through Chambers
0-2 Days
CleanSeam™ Fire-Rated Pass-Through Chambers
1-3 Days
General-Use Pass-Throughs with Recirculating HEPA Filtration
1-3 Days
Double-Door Pass-Through Cabinets
1-3 Days
General-Use Fire-Rated Pass-Through Chambers
1-3 Days
CleanSeam™ Pass-Through Chambers
1-3 Days
Vertical Sliding Pass-Through Convenience Windows
1-3 Days
Polypropylene Horizontal Sliding Convenience Windows
1-3 Days
General-Use Pass-Through Chambers
0-2 Days
ValuLine™ Pass-Through Chambers
1-3 Days
Architects & Builders
Terra Universal BioSafe® Doors
Terra Universal's Biosafe® Windows
Smart® Pass-Through Chambers by Terra Universal
Terra Universal WhisperFlow® Filter Fan Units
Terra Universal's BioSafe® Doors are easy to sterilize maintain room pressure and resist common biocides and hospital grade disinfectants.Terra Universal BioSafe® DoorsTerra Universal's BioSafe® Doors are easy to sterilize maintain room pressure and resist common biocides and hospital grade disinfectants.
Terra's BioSafe windows are configurable to any wall thickness, easy to install and disinfectTerra Universal's Biosafe® WindowsTerra Universal's BioSafe® windows are quick to install, easy to disinfect and configurable to any wall material or thickness.
Terra Universal’s Smart Pass-Through Chamber redefines the capabilities of a pass through by solving a host of challenges that hospitals and labs face every daySmart® Pass-Through Chambers by Terra UniversalTerra Universal’s Smart Pass-Through Chamber redefines the capabilities of a pass through by solving a host of challenges that hospitals and labs face every day. When first introduced to the market, the pass through chamber had one-specific purpose: to reduce personnel traffic by providing a convenient means for sample transfer into and out of the cleanroom. With the Smart Pass Through, Terra has reimagined the jobs a pass through can perform by offering a menu of standard, add-on features compatible with every unit. These features are mounted external to the work area, so the integrity of the internal chamber is not impacted. Beyond sample transfer, the Smart Pass Through can disinfect products, log environmental conditions, track personnel or sample lots, streamline employee communication and add layers of security to your cleanroom.
Overview video of Terra Universal's comprehensive portfolio of filter fan unitsTerra Universal WhisperFlow® Filter Fan UnitsOverview video of Terra Universal's comprehensive portfolio of filter fan units