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Analytical Instruments

6 products meet your criteria.

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  1. Rapid pH Automated pH Meter by Hudson Robotics
    Rapid pH Automated pH Meter by Hudson Robotics (3030-52)
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    Usually ships in 20 - 24 days

    • Rapid pH Automated Benchtop Robotic pH meter streamlines and increases throughput of pH testing in microplates, tubes and vials
    • Benchtop model fully automates rinsing, drying the pH probe, immersion in samples, and data reporting
    • Enables walk-away time when testing a full 96-well plate
    • pH measurement range from 0.0 to 14.0
    • Automated features; imports well-by-well sample descriptions, exports sample date and calibration information, captures user name, date, time and other notes for sample plates and calibrations, and scans barcode to match to data file
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6 products meet your criteria.

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Features and Benefits

Biochrom WPA CO7500 Colorwave Educational Colorimeter

Colorimeter includes 8 filters spanning a 440 nm to 680 nm range. Compatible with standard 10 mm pathlength cuvettes or 16 mm test tubes.

Biochrom WPA CO8000 Cell Density Meter

Measures density of E. coli and yeast cells in suspension at 600 nm. Compatible with 10 mm pathlength cuvettes or test tubes.

Rapid pH Automatic pH Instrument by Hudson Robotics

Rapid pH Automatic pH Instrument by Hudson Robotics simultaneously measures up to 96 samples; includes ca;ibration software

Analytical Instruments

  • Biochrom Ultrospec 30 Cell Density Meter and Ultrospec 35C Colorimeter Biochrom Ultrospec 30 Cell Density Meter and Ultrospec 35C Colorimeter
  • Smart-Q Series Quantitative Fluorometers by Accuris Smart-Q Series Quantitative Fluorometers by Accuris
  • Rapid pH Automated pH Meter by Hudson Robotics Rapid pH Automated pH Meter by Hudson Robotics
Biochrom Ultrospec 30 Cell Density Meter and Ultrospec 35C Colorimeter
Smart-Q Series Quantitative Fluorometers by Accuris
Rapid pH Automated pH Meter by Hudson Robotics

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