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Terra Part #PriceShips in
120 V Power Distribution Module Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-B-R 84518 $2,2901-3 Days2
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120 V Power Distribution Module Power Outlet ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-27A-R 84854 $8980-2 Days3
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120 V Power Distribution Module Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-P-R 84603 $2,2901-3 Days4
In stock soon
120 V Power Distribution Module Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-S-R 84620 $2,2901-3 Days5
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120 V Power Distribution Module Tier Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TB-R 84607 $2,5211-3 Days6
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120 V Power Distribution Module Tier Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-T-R 84545 $2,2901-3 Days7
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120 V Power Distribution Module Tier Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TS-R 84549 $2,5211-3 Days8
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220 V Power Distribution Module Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-B-220-R 84520 $2,2901-3 Days9
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220 V Power Distribution Module Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-P-220-R 84604 $2,2901-3 Days10
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220 V Power Distribution Module Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-S-220-R 84621 $2,2901-3 Days11
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220 V Power Distribution Module Tier Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TB-220-R 84608 $2,3555-9 Days12
220 V Power Distribution Module Tier Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-T-220-R 84546 $2,2901-3 Days13
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220 V Power Distribution Module Tier Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TS-220-R 84550 $2,3555-9 Days14
220/240 V Power Distribution Module Power Outlet ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-27A-220-R 84855 $8781-3 Days15
In stock soon
120 V Power Distribution Module Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-BQ-R 84521 $2,7851-3 Days16
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220 V Power Distribution Module Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-BQ-220-R 84522 $2,6035-9 Days17
120 V Power Distribution Module Tier Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TQ-R 84547 $2,6035-9 Days18
220 V Power Distribution Module Tier Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TQ-220-R 84548 $2,6035-9 Days19
120 V Power Distribution Module Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-PQ-R 84605 $2,7851-3 Days20
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220 V Power Distribution Module Primary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-PQ-220-R 84606 $2,6035-9 Days21
120 V Power Distribution Module Tier Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TBQ-R 84609 $2,6035-9 Days22
220 V Power Distribution Module Tier Booster ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TBQ-220-R 84611 $2,6035-9 Days23
120 V Power Distribution Module Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-SQ-R 84622 $2,7851-3 Days24
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220 V Power Distribution Module Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-SQ-220-R 84623 $2,6035-9 Days25
120 V Power Distribution Module Tier Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TSQ-R 84624 $2,6035-9 Days26
220 V Power Distribution Module Tier Secondary ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-29C-TSQ-220-R 84625 $2,6035-9 Days27
120 V Power Distribution Module Power Outlet ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-27D-Q-R 84856 $1,0230-2 Days28
Quick Ship+ Available In stock soon
220/240 V Power Distribution Module Power Outlet ISO 7 Roomside or Rooftop 6600-27D-Q-220-R 84857 $1,1125-9 Days29
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Certified ISO Grade™ Design
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Custom-configured product. Contact Terra by phone, chat or email for a project-specific quote.
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Product Details
Product Details
  • Available Certified ISO Grade™ Designs: ISO 7, ISO 8
  • Room-side accessible for ease of configuration or replacement
  • UL-approved, scalable control system for modular and stick-built cleanrooms
  • Completely eliminates hard wiring of electrical components
  • Tethers to secondary and booster PDMs to power all FFUs, lights, control panels, and outlets
  • Plug-and-play design speeds up installation
  • Easily connect or disconnect fan/filter units and light fixtures as needed
  • Supports easy upgrade to cleaner ISO classifications by adding FFUs (requires open PDM port)
  • Must be wired to a dedicated 35A fused 120V circuit or a 30A fused 240V circuit
  • Select among four PDM types: Primary, Secondary, Booster, and Power Outlet PDMs
  • Primary PDMs contain low-voltage control circuit required for a Control Panel and distributes power safely to up to 5 FFUs and 5 lights
  • Secondary PDMs extend power from the Primary PDM for an additional 5 FFUs and 5 lights
  • Booster PDMs must be installed after each Secondary PDM when multiple Secondary PDMs are required
  • Power Outlet PDMs can support up to five duplex outlets (requires a dedicated 20A fused circuit)

Marks & Listings: UL, ULC

Features & Benefits

Features and Benefits

Learn More: Control Panels and Power Distribution Modules (PDMs)

Power Distribution Module Diagram

  • PDMs house electrical components in an easy-access housing that makes it easy to add fan/filter units or lights if requirements change
  • Control Panel with Operation Status Indicators provides convenient access to all controls and a visual confirmation of cleanroom operation
  • Plug-and-play, modular design speeds up installation, whether of Terra-furnished modular cleanroom or Terra cleanroom components used in your own cleanroom structure

Terra’s Power Distribution Modules (PDMs) dramatically simplify connection of fan/filter modules (FFUs) and ceiling lights, while providing low-voltage power for one or more Control Panels

Each PDM accommodates up to 5 lights and 5 FFUs and must be wired to a dedicated 35A fused 120V circuit or a 30A fused 240V circuit. Select among four PDM types (see configuration chart below):

UL-Listed for Highest Safety and Quality

Ensuring the safety of your employees, customers, and products is essential. Terra's UL-listed PDM's and air filtering systems are manufactured to the highest standards to reduce the risk of damage, injuries, and electrical hazards such as electric shock and fires. UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is recognized around the world as the leader in product safety testing and certification. The UL listing helps meet municipal and other permitting requirements that may be required before a cleanroom can be approved for operation. It ensures safety and integrity of high voltage cleanroom electrical system, as evaluated by independent third-party UL.

Power distribution module for modular cleanroom
Quick-Connect Cleanroom Component Fittings
Leave Room for Growth!

If there’s chance that you may require additional FFUs to accommodate cleaner conditions, leave each PDM below its maximum FFU capacity. FFUs and lights can be added at any time, with no need for an electrician or hard-wiring, as long as the maximum of five of either module per PDM is not exceeded.

Electrical diagram for power distribution modules used on a cleanroom

Control Panel
Cleanroom control panel with touchscreen and automated environmental monitoring and control
  • Provides centralized control and monitoring of cleanroom functions
  • Typically mounted at the main entry of the cleanroom
  • Optional Night Service Mode switches FFUs into low-energy mode during off-hours to lower operating costs without shutting down the cleanroom.
  • Can be upgraded to Smart Control System for added environmental sensors and FFU control to meet critical performance/monitoring requirements.
Filter replacement alarm
Filter replacement alarm system with minihelic gauge and yellow power cable
  • Helps avoid unexpected and costly cleanroom operational interruptions by automatically alerting for cleanroom filter replacements
  • 1 Filter Replacement Alarm can cover for all Filter Fan Units (FFUs) in the cleanroom
  • Provides both audible and visual alarm
    • Audible: Buzzer with silencer
    • Visual: TUI Logo flashes
  • Includes adjustable alarm set-point to adjust frequency of filter replacement based on backpressure within a FFU
  • Typically mounts next to the cleanroom control panel
  • Connections:
    • Power: power connects to either the cleanroom’s power distribution module, or to a standard 120V/220V outlet
    • Pressure: ¼" plastic tubing connects from the alarm unit to one FFU
Night Service Switch
Night Service Swtich for Clean Room Fan Filter Units
  • Energy-saving mode saves 25% of fan operating costs by reducing power consumption during off-hours
  • Maintains round-the-clock cleanroom integrity at lower cost
  • Easy to activate via panel-mounted switch (Wireless Cleanroom Control System also available)
Why Pay More for Less?

Terra cleanrooms are designed to meet a specified ISO cleanliness rating when a cleanroom is in use: with operations in progress, process machinery humming, and personnel in motion. So why pay to maintain that level of FFU performance when a production shift ends and people, the greatest source of contamination, leave the room?

With a greatly reduced contaminant load, a cleanroom at rest maintains its target ISO cleanliness standard with much less airflow, fewer air changes—and decreased power consumption. Terra’s Night Service Switch provides this cleanliness at a nominal cost, giving you immediate cost savings.

Simply select the "Night Service" Switch when you turn off the lights and go home. A separate operation circuit drops all Fan/Filter Units (FFUs) into low-energy operation mode, shaving 25% of energy costs off your power bill while maintaining uninterrupted cleanroom performance at your specified cleanliness level. With Terra's Night Service Switch, operators can save up to 7,000 kilowatt-hours per year with a return on investment in slightly over a year.*

Ordering Information

A complete system includes fan/filter units and Terra's standard Power Distribution Modules (order separately), in addition to the units specified below. The Night Service Switch includes electronic configuration of each FFU controlled by this system. The Control Panel includes switch settings and indicator lights for Normal Mode and Night Service Mode, as well as a tamper-resistant master FFU Off switch.

Comparative Specifications
Operating Setting: High Speed** Medium Speed** Night Service
Airflow: cfm (m^3/hr) 808 (1373) 717 (1218) 654 (1111)
Air Speed: ft/m (m/s) 115 (0.58) 102 (0.51) 93 (0.47)
Run Amps (Watts): 4.3 (512) 3.5 (416) 3.3 (393W)*

*25% savings over operation on high speed

**Based off of an average-sized cleanroom with 10 FFUs, active cleanroom usage of 8 hours per day, and the U.S. Energy Information Administration's given average retail price of electricity at 10.72 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Power Distribution Module for Modular Cleanroom

Terra’s Power Distribution Modules (PDMs) drastically simplify connection of fan/filter modules (FFUs) and ceiling lights, while providing low-voltage power for one or more Control Panels. The high-voltage power distribution system is UL-listed for the highest safety and quality.

Quick-Connect Fittings

FFUs and lights can be easily added as cleanrooms requirements change, or disconnected for maintenance, without the need to run additional power lines or involve an electrician.

Operation Status Indicator Light

Modular Cleanrooms include a status indicator light in each corner, which glows when fan/filter units are operating and blinks when they are inactive.

Continuous Product Improvement

At Terra, we strive to develop and produce the highest quality products for our customers to improve health, safety, performance, and yields. Our product quality is enabled by high-grade manufacturing equipment and processes, 45 years of engineering and application expertise, and our commitment to continuously improve.

Products Compliant With Your ISO Rating

High-capacity, durable, ISO-compliant system rated for thousands of operating hours.
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  • Energy-Efficient Lighting

    Energy-efficient LED lighting panels and strips help to lower electrical costs and minimize heat build-up in temperature-controlled environments.
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