Terra offers a wide selection of high-quality vacuum chambers for every application.Watch Terra's Vacuum Chamber VideoTerra offers a wide selection of high-quality vacuum chambers for every application. Economical, high-visibility acrylic vacuum chambers are ideal for most manufacturing, testing, and research applications. Terra's 1" thick welded acrylic (plexiglass) vacuum chambers hold a full vacuum (29.9"Hg) for 72 hours with no detectable leaks. Powder-coated aluminum vacuum chambers offer better chemical resistance than acrylic chambers, particularly when using disinfectants, such as isopropyl alcohol, or sporicidal agents. Stainless steel vacuum chambers are more suitable for chemical, biopharmaceutical, and microelectronics applications with higher temperatures and/or corrosive chemicals.
Terra’s acrylic vacuum chambers can be used to simulate altitude very reliably by altering absolute pressure.
Air pressure is a function of elevation – the higher the altitude the lower the pressure.
Enter your kPa set point on control module to achieve corresponding altitude simulation required.
The clear acrylic construction enables full view of the interior during testing.
Why is this applicable?
This is a very real packaging concern because the drop in atmospheric pressure induces pressure differences between the package and the shipper, resulting in shipping damage to the product.
The issue of altitude usually manifests itself by affecting package integrity. The ASTM 6653 test procedure, the standard test used to determine how the effects of higher altitude will affect package integrity, should be implemented on all packages.
Common applications include simulating package failures during transport of foods in high altitude, its effects on design of electronic devices since air is used as an electric insulating medium, aerospace industry testing to ensure their products can endure pressure changes with space travel, and the cosmetic industry’s need for testing due to different levels of intense sensitivity in consumers.
Why so Thick and Heavy?
Although your application may not require vacuum levels to 29.9"Hg, Terra builds its chambers to support this vacuum level due to safety concerns.
Variations in operators and operating protocol may lead to inadvertent spikes in vacuum pressure. Because these chambers are small, a few moments of vacuum operation beyond your target vacuum can subject them to substantially higher stress than you intend. Even a safety release switch is no guarantee that a chamber won't experience high vacuum pressure since these valves are not tamper-proof.
The best way to guarantee the safety of your parts and personnel is to use a chamber designed to sustain high vacuum levels. That's why Terra fabricates these chambers of 1" thick acrylic.
Vacuum Leak Test, 0-72 hours
Chambers lose vacuum pressure initially due to air released from acrylic walls during first three hours. If vacuum level of 29.9"Hg is restored following this initial drop in vacuum pressure, chambers hold 29.9"Hg with no detectable change in pressure over duration of test.
Aluminum vs. Plastic
Acrylic Chambers
Economy: Lower material cost translates into a less expensive chamber.
Full visibility: You can add windows to an aluminum chamber, but nothing beats the 360-degree visibility offered by acrylic.
Aluminum Chambers
Chemical resistance: Aluminum stands up to Spor-Klenz®, alcohol and other sterilants, making it preferable in many bio/pharmaceutical applications. In addition, because many joining and sealing compounds are designed for use with metals, they may degrade acrylic and result in leaks or chamber failure.
Greater machining versatility: Aluminum allows easier addition of feed-throughs to accommodate power and data cords, electrodes and other accessories. These add-ons are more feasible on aluminum than acrylic chambers, which are more prone to cracks that develop into leaks over time. For such applications, an aluminum chamber is a wiser long-term processing solution.
More effective moisture barrier: Acrylic, because it is hygroscopic, allows moisture penetration on a molecular level. Under vacuum, these water molecules are released from the surface and may require several vacuum cycles to remove. These issues don’t occur with aluminum and other metallic moisture barriers.
Greater dimensional versatility: Due to greater strength, aluminum is more appropriate than acrylic for larger chamber sizes.
Products Tailored to Your Cleanroom Environment
Provide Terra with your desired ISO Grade™ design. We will tailor the product to meet your criteria and certify it with a report appended to your invoice. Certificate includes all the necessary information to streamline audits and facility compliance.
Coaxial SMA Feedthrough
Double-ended, 50-ohm connectors allow small electronics to operate within the chamber.
Optional Vacuum Relief Valve
Adjustable pressure relief valve limits vacuum levels within the chamber, allowing pressure to be maintained at user-configured point. (NOTE: Vacuum pump must remain in operation to maintain desired vacuum level).
Precision Vacuum Gauge and Needle Valves
Vacuum chambers can be customized to include precision needle valves for exact application, monitoring, backfill, and bleeding of vacuum pressure in increments of ~1" Hg (~3% vacuum). The hardware is mounted over an extra layer of acrylic to prevent damage to the lid while the chamber is under maximum vacuum.
Tested to Hold Full Vacuum for 72 hours
Terra's acrylic vacuum chambers are tested to hold 29.9"Hg (99.9% vacuum) with no detectable change over a 72 hour duration. Heavy-duty one-inch-thick walls ensure chamber integrity and protect against cracking.
Optional Glass Top for Sensitive Optics
0.75"-thick tempered-glass top allows optical testing and monitoring that requires high clarity.
Continuous Product Improvement
At Terra, we strive to develop and produce the highest quality products for our customers to improve health, safety, performance, and yields. Our product quality is enabled by high-grade manufacturing equipment and processes, 50 years of engineering and application expertise, and our commitment to continuously improve.
Available Accessories
Popular Accessories
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Terra’s Nitrogen Generators provide a continuous, reliable supply of clean, dry nitrogen up to 99% pure to eliminate dependence on bulky canisters to operate desiccators and glove boxes.
The eVAC Digital Vacuum Controller provides highly flexible control over vacuum levels by incorporating an electronically activated bleed valve, which adds the capability to reduce the applied vacuum.
On a tight schedule?Choose FasTrak 24/7 Priority Service to help meet your critical schedule for Terra-manufactured products, either before or after your order is placed.*
FasTrak 24/7 provides a 24/7 commitment to meet the shipping date YOU specify, regardless of quoted lead times.
FasTrak 24/7 assigns a dedicated production team plus a dedicated senior expeditor working three shifts to meet your delivery specification.
FasTrak 24/7 guarantees* to meet the agreed-to specified ship date.
Call for pricing. FasTrak service fees cover costs of additional services only, without additional profit.
* Terra's FasTrak services limited guarantee: to ship on the ESD or date specified OR to refund up to 100% of FasTrak charges. This guarantee covers no direct, special, consequential or other damages and is strictly limited to up to 100% of the amount paid for FasTrak service. When a specified ship date is missed due to factors outside Terra's control (vendor performance, deliveries by shipping companies, etc.) and random factors such as accidents, the credit of up to 100% of the FasTrak 24/7 may not apply. FasTrak service requested after order placement will be quoted and accepted based on available time remaining before required ship date.