Monthly Archives: December 2013

  1. No Space for a Cleanroom? Convert Any Existing Office into an ISO 5-8 Cleanroom!

    No Space for a Cleanroom? Convert Any Existing Office into an ISO 5-8 Cleanroom!

    As a Building Contractor, How Do You Pull a Rabbit Out of Your Hat?

    Terra Universal Cleanroom conversion of an office space

    Before – A typical office space.

    Picture the following scenario: you walk in the door one afternoon and notice your phone has been ringing off the hook all day. Your answering machine is full and a new client has been doggedly trying to contact you. As you dial back and settle down for a chat, you hear, “I need a cleanroom, and was told you are the best!”

    The next morning you promptly visit the client’s establishment only to find out there is not a single square inch left on the property on which to build

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  2. Secure Your Cleanroom with a Keyless Door Entry Access Card Reader System

    Keyless Entry PadSecurity is a vital part of any industry that deals with sensitive products or information, and one of the most important aspects of security is physical access control. For most implementations, access control starts at the door. In an ideal situation, a door will provide immediate access for authorized personnel while preventing access to unauthorized personnel, and do so in a completely unobtrusive and efficient fashion.

    The ProxPad Keyless Door Entry Access Control System provides both security and peace of mind in an affordable and convenient package. Best of all, this affordability applies to not just the initial setup cost, but also total cost of ownership. The big benefit in cost of ownership lies in the combination of the control that keyless access provides, and the fact that the doors default to the locked state.

    The system relies on the low voltage ProxPad card reader, running on a dedicated power circuit. Each user touches their programmable card to the sensor

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  3. Fast and Secure Transfer of Documents & Materials

    Fast and Secure Transfer of Documents & Materials

    Transaction Windows are an excellent way to transfer objects and documents between two people, as well as ensure employee safety in a wide range of customer service situations. They allow for easy transfer of items from one person to another without the need for direct contact between them. Depending on the transactional method needed, Transaction Windows can be installed in interior walls to accommodate employees, or exterior walls for public access.

    Transaction Windows manufactured by Terra Universal are made of tempered, ½-inch-thick glass mounted in a stainless steel frame, which provides an excellent balance of both visibility and protection. Transaction Windows are used in several industries such as banks, gas stations, ticket venues, or any business that requires the indirect transfer of materials.

    Terra Universal offers two different types of transaction windows. The Transaction Drawer provides a 19″D x 10.75″H

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  4. Choosing the Right Cleanroom Step Stool or Stepladder

    Choosing the Right Cleanroom Step Stool or Stepladder


    Cleanroom space can be expensive, both to set up and to maintain. One way to get the most value out of that investment is to make good use of the height, not just the width: in other words, the space above the floor. The only problem with this approach is that the more vertical space you use, the harder it can be to reach things.

    One easy way to get around this challenge is to use step stools, just as in any other situation where people have to deal with room components that are out of reach. Step stools are readily available, and often inexpensive. However most commercially-available step stools are inappropriate for cleanroom environments. They feature rough surfaces, paint and other materials that are completely unsuitable for cleanrooms.  It is simply not possible to sterilize them to cleanroom standards.Terra Universal Cleanroom Ladder

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